Success stories
Lung and colorectal cancer variant prioritization at Kabara Cancer Research Institute
28 July 2019
Kabara Cancer Research Institute, Gundersen Medical Foundation

The Kabara Cancer Research Institute of the Gundersen Medical Foundation was founded by Dr. Jon Kabara and his wife Mrs. Kabara. It is located in the Health Science Center on the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Campus and its mission is to investigate and develop new therapeutic approaches for cancer. The institute connects scientists and experts of translational and clinical research to improve Personalized Cancer Medicine.

Dr. Paraic Kenny

Dr. Paraic Kenny is the Director of the Kabara Cancer Research Laboratory of the Gundersen Medical Foundation. He is an internationally recognized expert in basic and clinical research in breast cancer and other solid malignancies. His research focuses on understanding the mechanisms leading to breast cancer using unconventional and interdisciplinary approaches.

Dr. Kenny actively supports the implementation of cancer genome sequencing to help patients in accessing the newest personalized cancer treatments.

Use cases

“We performed germline sequencing using a 600 gene panel on 100 patients with lung and colorectal cancer, most of whom lacked a strong familial cancer history.

eVai did a great job in prioritizing variants for further review. These included some that we would have identified with our usual pipeline (e.g. MLH1-mutant Lynch syndrome) but also several that would have been more challenging to find (e.g. germline PARK2 loss-of-function in a lung cancer patient).

Using eVai for this analysis greatly reduced our in-house analytical burden and allowed us to focus more effort in in-depth analysis of a small number of high-priority variants.”